Thursday 12 September 2013

Enable and Disable Windows Administrator Account

Hello guys, been long since my last post. :)

Okay, in this topic as I mention that "enable and disable Windows Administrator Account".

How to enable :

1. Open and run CMD as Admin -- you can do that by right-click on cmd as in this picture below.

 "well I'm using windows8 atm, but doesn't really matter, you can do the same trick on windows 8."

2. Next thing you need to do is, type in these command :

net user administrator /active:yes

3. Hit "enter" and restart/Log Out  your PC/Account.

To disable the administrator account, you just simply change the "yes" to "no".

the command is gonna be like this

net user administrator /active:no

Main focus:
The reason why we are activating the administrator account is that, sometimes windows doesn't allow we to do editing on some application in windows system, that is why we need to use and activate this account to be able to do the magic, what i meant by magic is that the rights to modify some algorithm in windows apps itself. As example I was in the middle of saving some editing in 'system.ini' file in windows and this popup notification comes up, I was able to edit and save some changes that i made, with using admin account on windows.

Source :
windows 7 forums

Saturday 26 January 2013

Windows 8 Activator

Sup all..

Today im going to share a bit about the Windows 8 Activator.

Tested  on my W8 Professional and  it works..

HOW TO: -(piece of cake I guess)- : )
1. Download file from here ---> google.sites
2. Extract it using winrar/7zip or any other tool for extraction.
3. Run the file as 'admin' (right click and run as admin")
4. Let the Extraction to finish and your computer gonna restart itself.
5. Login to windows 8 and your w8 activated. (clik 'ok' on  pop up window to close it. its just like  some notification that your windows activated succesfully).. :D

Credits to uploader.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Install .Net Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 Offline/No Internet Connection

Hi readers, 

Today I'm about to tell you about "How to install .Net Framework 3.5 without using internet connection/offline install/ no download needed".

It's happen when you about to install some of the application that requires .net support apps. 

What you need is a Windows 8 CD/DVD or you can use the copy of Windows 8 ISO.

Next thing you need to do is "run cmd as administrator".

Go to Start on W8, or easily just press the <window> key on your keyboard. and point the cursor to any corner and go to <search> and type <cmd>. 

Right click on it and click <run as admin>

and then on cmd type this command 
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:G:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

press <enter>.

Job Done! :D 

G - means the driver letter where you mount/put your CD on. For me, I'm using the G drive to mount the windows8 iso. 

So check the driver letter first before you hit <enter>.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Seagate Expansion Drive 1TB convert to Internal HDD

Siapa yang ga eteb coba, baru nyalain komputer, lgsg dah tuh HDD kaga kebaca. . .
terus pc restarting mulu. . Ehm.....
Ga pake lama itu HDD lgsg gw copot dah. Bongkar pc, coba reattach cable sata di hdd, nyalain lagi, eh.... Tetep ga bisa. . . Muka Panik dah gw. . . Mana duit ga ada lagi buat beli HDD baru "anak kuliahan banget kan, beli ini itu perhitungan, tp kalo rokok 1 ato 2 bungkus sehari mah jabanin. .ahahha". But seriously, HDD skg pada mahal - mahal harganya. Alasannya sih Pabrik Thailand lagi kebanjiran. . banjirnya ga tau dah udah berapa lama, 1 tahun x ya. .ahaha..

Well, mulai kepikiran dah ini ama HDD external yang gw beli di tahun 2009, Seagate Expansion Drive. 'Gimana kalo ini HDD external gw pindah ke dlm pc'. . haha. . .

Ya sudah, langsung deh tu HDD dibongkar. .
Lumayan lah, 7200rpm 1tb seagate barracuda. . . Jadul sih, but still capable of doing major task. . . Alhasil,ni seagate gw format ulang dan gw install 7. . . Sekarang, PC kembali bekerja normal. . .

So, buat temen - temen yang punya pengalaman yang sama kaya gw, or whatever and whatsoever, ni tips dari gw, kalo lagi kepepet ya pake HDD external aja jadiin internal or maybe you can use your external hdd as your primary data which has OS, Programs, Documents, and so on. .

Buat yang iseng - iseng pengen bongkar HDD Seagate kalian, juga bisa kok. caranya simple.
  • ambil obeng minus (-) dan congkel sisi pinggiran dari hdd lo. (sisi yang bisa di buka, sisi kanan, kiri , dan belakang, sisi depan ga bisa dibuka karena ada apa sih ya namanya, liat ada dah sendiri di foto gw selanjutnya. .a hahah.  (dengan cara, sisi kanan - kiri bergantian, jangan semua di sisi kiri dulu, baru kanan semuanya, terus depan semuanya, baru belakang, jgn, pokoknya harus bergantian, sampai terdengar suara 'clik / tek/ aw/ aduh/ '  baru dah pindah sisi lainnya., supaya itu pengait yang ada di dalam hdd ga rusak, kalo pny gw sih pengaitnya udah rusak, karena gw ga hati2 ngebongkarnya. hahaha.
  •  nah, sekarang sisi kanan kiri dan belakang sudah kelar dibuka, dan 'voila' 
  • nah, kemudian lo tarik dah itu hdd keluar dari sangkarnya. hahaha.. 
  • ini dia si hdd seagate 

  •  And Then, lo buka skrup yang ada disisi kanan hardisk dengan obeng plus (+) kemudian,lepaskan isolasi dari kabel tsb, dan tarik hardisk keluar dari besi aluminium yang kecil dan tipis. . 
  • nah ini dia foto hdd expansion yang udah gw bongkar,dan siap buat di masukin dalam casing pc gw ahahaha. . 

Selamat mencoba temen - temen. peace yo!